Friday, October 12, 2012

Level Up

Yesterday the weather changed to what I suppose might be a more realistic expectation for the upcoming Scottish fall/winter. What?! It's not beautifully sunny, with crisp, clean air every day here? Yeah... not quite. The rain came in a serious way, along with dark clouds and wind. Lots of wind.

This morning, I went for a run. Here I am afterwards.

What this photo does not communicate well:

- How entirely friggin' soaked I am. Especially the lower half of my body.
- The two layers underneath my jacket.
- The toque on my head.
- The (sopping wet) fleece gloves on my hands.
- The sand plastered to my legs from the wind blowing down near the sea.
- How thankful I am for gore-tex.

And finally...

- The feeling of accomplishment for actually getting up, in what was essentially total darkness (at 7 am), facing down the inevitability of this weather, and running anyway!

What's up now, Scotland?!

(OK I take that last part back. I think things may get worse. Or at least colder.)

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